
Web Secure Gateway

Our System automatically cleans malicious content from your website, creating a safe visitor experience. You can think of malware removal like having an immediate pest control for your site—if there’s a malware-related issue, it is removed automatically. Our System malware protection will find and alert you to vulnerabilities that could lead to a compromise. Depending on your scanning package and how your site was built, Our System malware will be removed automatically. Our System brings automated malware detection and removal to your website.

System Features
-Our System is Stateful firewall as a service
-Our System is Built-in high availability with unrestricted cloud scalability
-Our System have ability to centrally create, enforce, and log application and network connectivity policies
-Our System is Threat intelligence-based filtering
-Our System is Source and destination Network Address Translation (SNAT and DNAT) support
-Our System is Fully integrated with Azure and google Monitor for logging and analytics
-Our System Support for hybrid connectivity through deployment behind VPN and ExpressRoute Gateways

Stateful firewall as a service
Our System enable turnkey firewall capabilities in your virtual network to control and log access to apps and resources. Our System Firewall supports filtering for both inbound and outbound traffic, internal spoke-to-spoke, as well as hybrid connections through Linux VPN and ExpressRoute gateways.

High availability and cloud scale
Our System automatically scales with your usage during peak load or as your business grows, eliminating the need to predict and reserve capacity for peak usage.

Network- and application-level connectivity policies
Our System write policies that span fully-qualified domain name filtering for outbound HTTP(s) traffic and network filtering controls, using IP address, port, and protocol. Restrict access, prevent data exfiltration, and create connectivity policies across multiple subscriptions and virtual networks.

Intelligent near real-time security
Threat intelligence-based filtering can be enabled for your system to alert and deny traffic from/to known malicious IP addresses and domains. The IP addresses and domains are sourced from the Our System Intelligence feed. Intelligent Security Graph powers Our System threat intelligence and is used by multiple services including ALSCO Security Center.

Communicate with Internet resources using SNAT and DNAT
Our System utilizes a static public IP address for your virtual network resources using source network address translation (SNAT). This allows outside firewalls to identify traffic originating from your virtual network. Inbound traffic filtering for backend services in your Virtual Network (VNet) is supported by Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT).